Naresh Bhatt, the husband of a missing Manassas Park woman, has been charged with concealing a dead body after police said he was a person of interest in her disappearance Wednesday night.
The charge came Thursday afternoon after police spent hours executing a search warrant at the couple’s home and after they led Bhatt from his home in handcuffs on Thursday morning. Bhatt is being held without bond, pending a Friday arraignment.
“After consultation with the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office, detectives arrested Naresh Datt Bhatt in connection with her disappearance,” Prince William County Commonwealth’s Attorney Amy Ashworth and Manassas Police Chief Mario Lugo said in a joint news release.
The body of Mamta Kafle Bhatt has not been found, but police said that additional evidence had been found during the search. The exact nature of the evidence has not been disclosed.
Kafle Bhatt, 28, has not been seen since July 31. Co-workers at UVA Health Prince William Medical Center where Bhatt is a nurse asked police to conduct a welfare check on August 2 after she did not come to work. Her husband reported her missing on August 5, and police released a missing persons flyer about her on August 8.
At a Wednesday night news conference outside the couple’s home, Police Chief Mario Lugo said that Naresh Bhatt has not been cooperating with the investigation.
Friends have searched around Manassas Park to find Kafle Bhatt, who does not have a car. They’ve been concerned since the Bhatts have a daughter whose first birthday was this week. Social service is now taking care of the child.
Police on Wednesday executed a search warrant at the couple’s home and put police tape around it. Lugo said it was one of 10 search warrants police have executed. He said police conducted hundreds of interviews and are continuing to investigate.
Friends have been posting information on a Finding Mamta Kafle Bhatt Facebook page and set up a GoFundMe campaign related to the missing woman.
Anyone with information about Bhatt should call Manassas Park police at 703-361-1136 or Manassas/Manassas Park Crime Solvers at 703-330-0330.
Feature image of Mamta Kafle Bhatt courtesy Manassas Park Police Department
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