By Jason and Sophie DeHenzel
For most people, daily free time is limited. It can be tough to squeeze exercise into a schedule filled with work, family and social obligations. With busy lifestyles, it’s often easy to skip a workout when you find yourself short on time. However, there are plenty of ways to maximize a short workout so it’s still just as impactful. Here are a few of our favorite ways:
Minimize Rest Time: One of the simplest ways to maximize your time for a shorter workout is to minimize your rest time between exercises. This requires moving more quickly through the exercises, which will not only bring up the intensity, but it will also allow you to do more in a shorter amount of time.
Opt for Supersets: Another way to make the best use of your short amount of time is to program your workout a bit differently. Opting for supersets– choosing two opposing exercises that are performed back to back–can be really effective. For instance, do a bench press followed by a bench row with little to no rest in between.
Pick Full-Body Movements: Lastly, doing full-body movements is a great way to get a big bang for your buck. Full-body movements, such as squats, lunges and pushups, utilize many muscle groups compared to smaller exercises, such as bicep curls and calf raises.
Jason DeHenzel has trained some of New York’s most prestigious clients, including high-profile lawyers, advertising executives, movie producers and musicians. Sophie DeHenzel is a Pn1-certified nutritionist and former downhill ski racer. The pair founded DeHenzel Training Systems, a 2015 Home-Based Business of the Year from the Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce. DeHenzel Training Systems develops customized fitness plans for clients of different abilities, experience and commitment. Find out more at dtsnova.com.